Blog | Custom, equestrian-themed jewelry inspired by the Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Keeneland & Breeders' Cup | Darren K. Moore | Custom Hand-crafted Jewelry

The Pat Day Ring - 25th Anniversary

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This past year, Darren embarked on a journey to create a ring for the jockey, Pat Day, in honor of the 25th anniversary of his Kentucky Derby win. In designing the ring, Darren not only represented Pat Day’s astounding accomplishment; he also represented Day’s foundation - his faith as well. Click the video below to learn more about this journey!

As we prepare for the Kentucky Derby, we are excited for what this season has in store. We hope to see you at this momentous event!

Spring 2015


I love the spring of the year. Like a canvas prepped and readied for spring’s fresh new colors, or a clean page ready for the first lines of a new story, spring speaks to me of renewal and promise. Maybe it’s the result of where I grew up in southeastern Kentucky, where the Redbuds and Dogwoods bloom out among the fresh bright greens of the new leaves. It has definitely been imprinted into my mind and heart.

New News

New Look to our Website and Instagram
We have a new look to our Website, along with a newly launched Instagram account. Not only will we be occasionally sharing new projects and pieces, but I will also be sharing photos of things that inspire me and current photos of events.

New Chapter at Keeneland
We are happy to announce that we’re opening a new chapter in our long relationship with the Keeneland Race Track in Lexington, Kentucky - the site of last year’'s historic Breeders Cup. We are actively designing new items that are unique for Keeneland.

We’ll be at Keeneland, April 8-10, 2016.

Kentucky Derby 142
Save the date for the first Saturday in May for the 142nd running of the Kentucky Derby! We are so thankful to once again be setup in the Churchill Downs Store located near Gate 17 at Churchill Downs, May 4-7, 2016. We will also have items located in the Kentucky Derby Museum Shop. If you plan on being at the Kentucky Derby this year, please stop in and see us!